21 Simple and Effective Linen Closet Organization Hacks

Best Linen Closet Organization Ideas For 2023

Is your linen closet always overstuffed and overflowing? Are you always out of space while organizing your linen closet? If yes, all you need is these interesting and helpful linen closet organization ideas.

A linen closet generally stores many essential everyday household items. Thus, with such storage item variety, your closet can very easily get cluttered and disorganized. However, keeping your linen closet all sorted and organized is not a hassle anymore.

An aesthetically appealing and accessible linen closet is now possible, all thanks to these super amazing organization tips. Incorporate the stylish, efficient, and smart storage solution with some of the best linen closet organization ideas.

Linen Closet Organization Ideas

1. Work on Each Shelf

Work on Each Shelf

One of the simplest and most efficient ways to organize your linen closet is to work on each individual shelf. Assign a particular task to each shelf by deciding its proper use. Categorize your shelves depending on their shapes and sizes. For example – you can have one entire shelf for the big bulky pillows, the other shelf for the toiletries, and so on.

It is highly recommended to keep the daily use items in easily accessible storage; the other items can be stored depending on their use. Organizing each shelf is one of the most popular linen closet organization ideas tested by many people to get the best results.

2. Storage Bins

Storage Bins

What can be a better way to organize your linen closet than using storage bins? Storage bins are always an essential part of organizing any closet in the easiest way possible if you are looking for some beautiful storage bins for your linen closet.

You can buy storage bins as per your linen needs. Besides storing the linen inside the storage bins, you can also stack the linens next to the storage bins. Thanks to this, you not only get enough space but a clean and sorted look for your closet.

3. Organize What You Have

Organize What You Have

If you don’t want to invest in buying any additional storage baskets or bins, organizing what you have is also one of the reliable linen closet organization ideas. You can rearrange or specifically place the available storage units to organize your linen closet without any hassles properly.

Moreover, you can also search for some unused boxes, cubbies, etc., to organize your linen closet. You can be as creative as you want to place the storage units to get an appealing, clean, and attractive closet. It is recommended to maintain enough space within the arrangements to keep it clean for a longer time.

4. Use Labels for Everything

Use Labels for Everything

Using labels is the ultimate solution for everything that you want to keep neat and tidy. Just imagine using labels for everything to be aware of what item is stored in which container or basket. Isn’t this one of the simplest ways to organize your closet?

Labels are the most useful when you have identical storage units. Simply label each and every storage unit for a neat, tidy, and clean closet every time. Labeling your linen closet storage can never go wrong, especially when you have a lot of regular and exclusive household items to manage and organize.

5. Rolling the Fabrics

Rolling the Fabrics

Organizing your linen closet doesn’t have to be always complicated and time-consuming. Sometimes just a small change in your organizing habit can really make a lot of difference. For instance – rather than stacking up the blankets, towels, and sheets, you can roll them for storage.

This is not just a simple, easy, and quick storage technique but also saves the maximum space for storing many other things. This is one of the linen closet organization ideas to change the entire look of your closet without any possible hassles. This idea can be tried for closets of any shape and size without worrying about space.

6. Sort the Similar Linens

Sort the Similar Linens

Do you have a wide range of linen for storage? Are you continuously worrying about its storage? Well, if this is the case, you are blessed to have the most sorted and easiest linen storage possible.

For all those who have an amazing wide linen collection, organize your collection based on their type, style, color, or need. Group similar linen together and store them as one unit to avoid any mess within your closet. Keeping similar linen items together will make them easier to locate and accessible for regular use with proper organization of every item.

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7. Sort as Per the Frequency of Use

Sort as Per the Frequency of Use

As you plan to organize your linen closet, don’t just fold and store the items; rather, plan the storage as per their use. Keep in mind the items that you use regularly, along with the ones that are used exclusively on special occasions. Considering the frequency of use is one of the most effective linen closet organization ideas.

It is suggested to store the frequently used items in the front bins, followed by the items that are used sometimes. Lastly, you can have a separate storage bin section for the exclusive items for easier access and use.

8. Maintain Enough Space

Maintain Enough Space

Your linen closet doesn’t need to be all stuffed and packed. It is a recommended tip to maintain enough space in your closet for breathability. It is not always required to fill in your linen closet completely.

One of the simplest ways to maintain enough space in the closet is clear all the unwanted items. Try to have some unused space in your closet to organize some emergency stuff that you might need. Also, make sure to use the available space wisely so that the frequently used items are always accessible from the closest distance without any hassles.

9. Use Vertical Dividers

Use Vertical Dividers

If you don’t mind doing some additional work to organize your linen closet, adding vertical dividers would make the best solution. Vertical dividers are best to create a more sorted, clean, and organized look for the closet in the best possible manner. Moreover, your closet can look aesthetically beautiful with an accurate selection of dividers.

To have streamlined storage in your closet, this is one of the best linen closet organization ideas to try. The dividers will also provide more space for detailed storage of every single item in the closet. Depending upon the available size and need, you can add as many vertical dividers as required in the linen closet.

10. Arrange in two and Three

Arrange in two and Three

Have you always wondered how many people professionally organize their linen closets? Do they have any additional space for storage? Well, to professionally organize your closet with essential linen items, it is recommended to keep the arrangement in twos and threes.

This is one of the simple rules to strategically organize your closet in the most clean and tidy manner. As you plan to sort and organize the linen, try to make everything in a group of 2 or 3 items. For example – you can roll and store a set of 2 linen towels or 3 bulky linen pillows in one place.

11. Avoid an Overthink Arrangement

Best Linen Closet Organization Ideas For 2023

Do you tend to overthink as you organize your linen closet? Well, this can be one of the biggest mistakes you are making. It is quite obvious to overthink the arrangement of your linen closet when you have a lot to do. For a more simple arrangement, avoid following any rules, trends, or guidelines.

Rather than overthinking, you can enjoy the entire process for a more lovely and lively arrangement of items. As you enjoy organizing your closet, the same will automatically be reflected in your creative linen closet organization ideas. Follow what your heart desires and what you feel the most connected to while organizing your closet.

12. Organize Regularly

Organize Regularly

You may not like it, but organizing your linen closet regularly is one of the important needs to keep it organized and sorted at all times. To properly organize your closet, start with decluttering it every possible season. Have a closer look at everything in your closet to decide what and what not to keep.

Remove all the expired and unwanted items to keep your closet up to date with all the latest and trending essentials. When you devote your time to maintaining your linen closet, it is likely to be organized for the longest time possible without giving it any hard time.

13. Experiment with Décor Style

Experiment with Décor Style

No matter what size is your linen closet, you can make its best use by experimenting with its décor style. Every person has a different décor style, and that is the actual beauty of bringing together different linen closet organization ideas.

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You can sort the closet by adding different décor items that enhance its overall visual appeal. Your linen closet may be small in the available space, but it doesn’t need to be small in style. You can always maintain the right balance between practical use and pretty decoration to reflect your identity as you organize your linen closet.

14. Use Door Racks

Use Door Racks

When you have a limited closet space to store and organize several items, it is always better to make practical use of the closet doors. While it can be difficult to utilize the closet door, you can use door racks to utilize the additional space. These added door racks allow utilizing the storage space to its full potential.

Using closet door racks, you get good space to store the smaller items without messing with the actual shelf storage in the closet. You can also add the required details to make more advanced use of the closet door racks.

15. Wire Cube Storage for Your Closet

Wire Cube Storage for Your Closet

If you ever need any additional shelves for your closet to organize your linen items, trust nothing other than the wire cube storage shelves. These shelves are super affordable and amazing to use without complicating the overall look and space availability of the closet.

As these shelves are easy to install, you don’t need to get into the hassles of installing anything extra in your closet. This means you can get enough storage space in your closet without affecting its actual aesthetic feel. These shelves make one of the most reliable linen closet organization ideas, as they can easily store your bed sheets, towels, toiletries, etc.

16. Closet Plastic Shelf Basket

Closet Plastic Shelf Basket

If you have a habit of storing your liquid products in your linen closet, using a plastic shelf basket or container will be a reasonable choice. Thanks to these containers, you can overcome the worry of spills and stains from the liquid bottles. As a result, you can maintain your closet for the maximum time possible.

Along with providing additional storage space, these plastic containers or baskets are easier to clean. Moreover, you can have a clear idea to conveniently locate the desired product in your closet without any hassles. An easy way to organize the liquid bottles in your linen closet; what more can anyone ask for?

17. Mix and Match the Organization

Maximizing the Available Shelf Space

Gone are the days of being afraid to experiment with your linen closet organization ideas. There is always some available space to play around and experiment with the organization ideas in your closet. Don’t be conscious or restricted to putting your creative mix-and-match organization décor ideas to organize your closet.

You can combine together the mismatched bed sheets or towels to enhance the visual appearance of the closet, along with playing with the storage space. Play around with your thoughts to create a closet that best represents your identity and individuality as clearly as possible.

18. Organizing the Pillows Vertically

Organizing the Pillows Vertically

It is not just the vertical dividers that add beauty to your linen closet but also the simple technique of putting items vertically. One of the best ways to make your closet stand distinct with visual beauty is to arrange the pillows vertically.

This will not just free up some space in your closet but will also bring additional variety to your closet. To make it more appealing and interesting, you can play around with pillows in different shapes, sizes, and designs. However, make sure to organize them properly, as just a single mistake can ruin the overall feel of your entire closet.

19. Maximizing the Available Shelf Space

Maximizing the Available Shelf Space

Do you know you can actually maximize the shelf space of your linen closet? Yes, you read that right. Just by simply using different containers, storage racks, baskets, bins, and boxes, it is possible to maximize the storage space of the actual shelf.

These boxes not just bring additional space to the closet but are portable and, thus, can easily be adjusted according to the need. Adding small linen items and toiletries in these boxes is one of the most popular linen closet organization ideas that you can try. You can clearly label each box, container, etc., to find the required essential item without any hassle easily.

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20. Rely on the Bed in Bag Method

Rely on the Bed in Bag Method

Do you always lose a single pillow cover or top sheet of your bedding? If yes, you should definitely try the bed-in-a-bag method for storage. Rather than keeping different items at different places, it is better to store them together packed in a bag style.

Put the longest linen as the base and add the more compact linen items over it to fold them in a rectangular way. Now, slide all the items together so that everything is packed as one unit for convenient storage and easy access. You can also put the entire packed bag in a container and label it to avoid creating any mess.

21. Work on the Folds

Work on the Folds

Last but not least, considering the folds of every linen item is also one of the essential linen closet organization ideas. Not everything should or can be folded similarly; every single linen item has its own style.

For instance – you should be particular to fold the towels in a certain way so that they do not consume much space in the closet. Additionally, you should fold the pillow covers in such a way as to store them in a container or basket easily. Thus, as you plan to organize your linen closet, make sure not to overlook the technique of folding the linen items to utilize the space accordingly.


Any neglected and unorganized linen closet is always an eyesore. It can always be a struggle to find the desired linen item from your closet if it is not organized properly. Do you want to risk that?

Save all the unwanted stress, complications, and hassles of cleaning and organizing your linen closet by using these linen closet organization ideas. Make your linen closet aesthetically pleasing and appealing with the mentioned creative ideas. You will surely not regret trying any of these ideas.

If you have any other impactful organizing ideas, let us know in the comment section. We would also like to hear which of the following linen closet organization tips you like the most.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Organize Your Linen Closet?

It is no rocket science to easily and conveniently organize your linen closet. To begin with, consider your goals and needs (more space, decluttering, enhancing the aesthetics, etc.) to organize your closet.

Use creative ideas and thoughts to keep things easily accessible and visual without any complications.

What Steps to Follow to Make the Best Use of Available Closet Space?

If you don’t want to add additional storage items, you should well plan the use of the existing closet space. Categorize the closet space and the available linen items with regular decluttering of the expired and unwanted items.

How Frequently Should You Declutter Your Closet?

There is no hard and fast rule about decluttering your closet; however, frequently decluttering your closet is one of the most recommended linen closet organization ideas. You should declutter your closet every other season to timely remove all unwanted items.

Is It Affordable to Organize Your Linen Closet?

As you are planning to organize your linen closet, it is important to keep it affordable as well. Fortunately, it is conveniently possible to organize your linen closet within an affordable price range.

You can either make use of the available shelf space or can bring some additional (yet affordable) containers, boxes, bins, etc., into your closet.

How to Keep Your Linen Closet Smelling Fresh?

Once you have organized and sorted your linen closet, it is important to keep it fresh and smelling good. You can add some scents in the closet, along with some essential oils and perfumed cotton balls.

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