Biderman's Chart of Coercion

1. Isolation.
The purpose of isolation is to deprive victims of all social supported the ability to resist, develops and intense concern with self, and makes victim dependent upon captors.  There are different types of isolation complete solitary confinement, complete isolation, semi isolation, and group isolation.

Most programs completely isolate children from their families for at least 2 weeks before even allowing a phone call though many programs deny children verbal communitcation with parents for many month or for the entire program. Many programs also are in isolated communities where the only other peers they see are other children kept in captivity with them. In addition, many programs have isolation rooms that they keep youth in who are said to be refusing the programs or will not listen to every command of the staff. In these rooms youth for months may be restricted from talking, seeing or interacting with peers.All the different types of isolation have shown to have negative impacts on individuals on society and even more for youth. Additionally many programs discourage social interactions between staff and students and students and other students which deprives child of social support.

2. Monopolization of Perceimmediate predicamentption.j

Fixes attention upon . Monopolisation of perception fosters introspection, Eliminates stimuli competing with those controlled by captor. Frustrates all action not consistent with compliance. Physical isolation. Darkness or bright light. barren environment. restricted movement,and monotonous food

With the conditions imposed on these youth while in one of these environments youth become overwhelmed and are forced to look at the immediate situation they are in.A youth often has the information of program contiously forced in to their heads. Children are often not allowed to have any contact with the outside world so the only views and lessons they learn are from the individuals who are controlling the environments which they are in. With the restriction of having contact with the outside world it is very easy for stimulus that does not agree with program rules to be eliminated. Since most programs have no oversight or regulation or vistors all information or stimuli taht is not on compliance ith the program is avoided. Youth are forced to be in complaince with ALL rules and the smallest deviation of a rule results in sever punishment. Many programs restict movement by forcing children to sit in group session without moving; sometimes all day long  or in one program children are electrically shocked when their movements is not approved so behaviors such as putting your hands in your pockets may result in children being shocked. Additionally in some programs as punishment children are made to sleep in bright rooms with all the lights on which disrupts sleep cycle while in other programs children may be isolated in complete darkness. Many programs especially wilderness programs serve children the same food which usually consists of  beans and oats, In other programs food can be used as punishment 

3.Induced Debility through exhaustion
Exhaustion Weakens mental and physical ability to resist. The techniques that may be used are semi-starvation. exposure, exploitation of wounds,induced illness.
sleep deprivation, prolonged constraint. prolonged interrogation, forced writing, and over-exertion.

Children in programs often do not get an adequate amount of sleep or rest. Children are often forced to complete vigourous activities that are comparable to what individuals  who join the military. Children are often forced to carry out pointless work project in some programs which involve rock carrying or ice picking in order to exhaust youth. In addition children are often not provided with the food and water to make excersize possible. In many programs youth are exposed to extreme weater conditions which weaken thier ammune system such as being forced to stand in sun light for hours on end or making kids sleep outside in freezing temperatures. As youth are made tired they are easier to weaken mentally. Often when children express feeling sick staff deny children medical attention and even in many cases where children are presenting serious medical issues. Youth are often told they are lying when speaking about problems in their lives and are forced to admit to actions or behaviors that the youth have never been involved in because of the continuous pressure staff put on youth to admit to these behaviors sometimes for days on end. Children in these programs as mentioned above are often kept in isolation rooms for long periods of times or other areas of the programs which constitutes as prolonged constraint.

4. Threats.
The purpose of threats is to cultivates anxiety and despair which involve threats of death,threats of non return, threats of endless interrogation and isolation, threats against family, and mysterious changes of treatment.
 Programs enforces all of there rules with the help of threats. Staff often use threats to make children comply. Youth are often told that if they tell parents that they are being abused or hurt in the program that they will not be allowed to speak to them and parents are directed that those pleas are just manipulations to go home. In some programs childrens are told that if they were not attending the program and are told that if they leave they will die which makes children feel at a lose of what to do.  Programs often threaten the youth telling them they will not be able to go home until they comply with all the rules in the programs.
 If youth are seen as oppositional they are threatend with being isolated from the rest of there peers.

5. Occasional indulgences.
Provides positive motivation for compliance. Hinders adjustment to
deprivation. Occasional favors. Fluctuations of interrogators's attitudes. Promises. Rewards for partial compliance. Tantalising.

Many programs do have activities that are given to students who are seen to  be following the rules.  In some programs where children are refused basic needs  they may be given  fresh food or given appropriate rations. Many programs in advertising show that children go hiking, rafting, or horse back riding which very rarely happens due to the programs being setup for children to fail or, to keep them on low levels as long as possible and lower levels are not allowed to attend those activites.  Since programs work in all different way there are programs which will reward some students and not others even when the same behavior is displayed to foster anger towards other clients.


6. Demonstrating 'Omnipotence'.
Suggests futility of resistance. Confrontation. Pretending co-operation taken for granted. Demonstrating complete control over victim's fate.

7. Degradation.
Makes cost of resistance more damaging to self esteem than capitulation.  Degradation reduces prisoner to 'animal level' concerns. Personal hygiene prevented. Filthy infested surrounds. Demeaning punishments. Insults and taunts. Denial of privacy.

Youth in programs are often subjected to degrading activities or acts. Many times youth are denied the most simple basic needs which causes them to revert to animal level concerns such as food and safety. In many programs youth are often prevented from bathing or if allowed to bathe are not given sufficient time which makes children feel dirty and effeccts self esteem. In many programs children do not have the option to wash their faces or brush there teeth which also interferes with self esteem. Program often present themselves well on the internet and on the outside but conditions inside are often dirty and often would not pass inspections as youth jails. Many programs also use demeaning punishment to "change" undesired behavior. One program reportedly made girls preform lap dances as parts of therapies and programs which deny children the use of the bathroom make children wear diapers.


8. Enforcing Trivial Demands.
Develops habits of compliance. Forced writing. Enforcement of minute rules.

No matter what program an individual is in enforcing of trivial demands is always a part of the childs "treatment". Sometimes the trivial demands are known to be impossible to follow. For example in some programs children must ask permission to relieve themselves and even to cough or sneeze. In many programs children have to ask permission to preform any task of daily living or to even move.

 Brainwashing techniques...very similar to behavior modification methods used in RTC's

Brainwashing Is Real and It's Really Not Therapy; two-part article on brainwashing
Part 1:
Part 2: